Buy Yourself Flowers 💐 12-Day Holiday Mystery Box 💐 PREORDER


PREORDERS ARE CLOSED. Thank you so much to everyone who ordered their box, and we'll have them ready for you on Dec. 10! 💖

Celebrate YOU and bring yourself some much-deserved joy this holiday season! (Because you know you can't trust your non-crafty friends & fam to buy the perfect gift. So you know what we do... buy our own damn flowers!)

We are so excited to put together this delightful, bright and joyful gift for you! So much love and care is going into choosing all the lovely surprises inside, and we are having so much fun curating this extra special gift! Whether you are buying for yourself or a special person in your life, everything in this mystery box is chosen to bring you joy (and special little treats).

What's in the box?

What exactly is in the box is mystery, but it will be filled with 12 curated treats including notions, yarn, chocolates (obviously), and more! Choose either knitting or crochet to customize your box for your favorite craft.

Each surprise will be individually wrapped so you can savor opening them on 12 consecutive days, or rip them open all at once!

Each box will be slightly different, but every one will have the same value. (And if you and a friend both buy boxes, you can swap things!)

PREORDERS CLOSE ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13TH! We won't be offering this holiday box again, so make sure you snag one while you can! 

Boxes will ship & be available to pick up in-store on December 10th.

Choose Your Craft


“我很高兴终于找到了我完美的当地纱线商店。他们提供各种令人惊叹的纱线,从本地采购的纱线到小批量的绵羊,再到绞纱,再到自然染色的纱线。我已经去过两次了(到目前为止!)并且我”我总是很好地打招呼。它不像一些商店那样给人一种小集团或势利的感觉。他们的产品范围真的很棒,到目前为止我已经在这里买到了毛衣纱线和用于 2 种不同披肩的纱线。Dawn 也提供了很棒的颜色建议.强烈推荐!” - 谷歌评论
“我无法给这家店留下足够高的分数。10000/10。我一走进去,就受到了热情的问候,并立即得到了帮助。我进去买袜子纱线,但被所有令人惊叹的当地纱线淹没了.我喜欢他们与纱线工匠有直接的关系。当我在挑选一根线束时遇到问题时,她甚至在打烊后几分钟留下来。从来没有感到匆忙或她想让我离开。她花时间确保我得到了完全正确的产品,甚至把我的绞纱放入蛋糕中,这是我以前从未享受过的令人惊叹的服务。我对这个地方赞不绝口。我肯定会更频繁地去那里旅行!” - 谷歌评论



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