Knit Yourself Calm



Knitting is a relaxing and therapeutic pastime, and this winning combination focuses on mindfulness and the perfect stress-busting knitting projects. Whether you choose a portable project to knit on the go, a group project to do with friends, or one that introduces new skills to stimulate a creative mind, this book is the perfect path to keeping calm. The book is aimed at beginners as well as more advanced knitters, but does not include anything more complex than basic knit and purl stitches, increasing, decreasing and some simple colorwork. Lynne Rowe covers the essential techniques at the start of the book, followed by projects that have been specifically designed for mindfulness.

The projects themselves are split into five sections: Quick and Easy, Portable, Group, Big, and New Skills. Within these sections, you can choose to make things such as a wash cloth, a hat, a blanket, a shawl and an evening bag, amongst others. Every single one has been designed to promote calm and mindfulness and all the projects are beautifully photographed with clear and simple knitting patterns.

The Introduction is written by Betsan Corkhill, an experienced healthcare professional who founded the community interest company in 2005. It has grown into a global online community for those who enjoy the therapeutic benefits of craft, and in particular, knitting. Betsan has also advised on the projects included in the book and repetitive techniques to promote a calm state.

The five sections have different ways of promoting calm and the feel-good factor:

  • Quick and Easy: the projects in this section are designed for when you when you feel like a quick fix to raise your mood. Use your favorite colors and textures to enhance the benefits of the rhythmic movements and the feel-good effects. The feeling of success you experience will motivate and inspire you.
  • Portable: These smaller projects are even more portable, so keep one in your bag at all times. Use it to manage stress on the go, on your commute to work, in your lunch break, when traveling or at any other time when life is getting a bit much and you need to feel calm.
  • Group: Getting together with friends to knit, chat and laugh over a cuppa is one of life’s joys. Supportive friends help us to live longer, healthier, happier lives so why not combine the calming nature of knitting with the support of being with friends? It’s a powerful way to switch off your stress fight-or-flight response and switch on a bit of fun, play and laughter.
  • Big: It’s a lovely cosy feeling to sit quietly at home with your Big project on your lap, keeping you warm as you knit. Let it be your constant friend, the one you turn to to find calm and consistency when the world around you feels a bit frantic. As you get into the flow of the pattern, its familiarity will enable you to settle into a soothing rhythm whenever you need to knit yourself calm.
  • New Skills: Learning new skills on a regular basis is essential for nurturing a healthy brain, opening new neural pathways and even encouraging the growth of new brain cells right into old age. This section focuses on a range of new skills to encourage you to experiment with different stitch patterns and combinations of colour and textures. They are designed specifically to stimulate your creative mind. Whatever your skill level, there are plenty of projects in this book to help you achieve calm, bust those stress levels and enjoy a pastime which is creative, fun and produces beautiful projects to wear, or for the home.


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